Beach days are few and far between for us. Living in the middle of the country and with so much beautiful countryside to explore, we rarely venture to the coast. But sometimes the need for vast open spaces and that sense of clarity that only comes with being near the sea, is too much to ignore. Eager to rejuvenate our family photo album we decided to pack the car up and head to Formby Beach on the west coast, just south of Liverpool. It is my all time favourite beach and the kids just love it. Even in the middle of winter its pure beauty is just something else and it's the perfect setting for the kids to get back to nature. We thought it would be quiet... it wasn't. So I had my work cut out capturing the clean lines and uninterrupted, creamy backgrounds I was after. But I'm so pleased with the results and think they're worthy of some wall space in my home! I hope you agree...
